Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Comfort Killer Kitty

I don't have a picture for this post since it was an event I could not capture. I was stalked and attacked by my "sweet" cat tonight while watching American Idol. I was happily enjoying Tim Urban's performance when all of a sudden I felt this sharp,stabbing pain on my elbow. I looked down and there was Kiwi's paw barely hanging on to my skin with 2 very sharp claws! I yelled and looked down the space between the couch and side table to see a smug looking cat face staring back at me (almost like the one he gave after his bath below). I squirted him with water all the way up the stairs to only be attacked the same way 5 minutes later. I guess I will have to keep my elbow on the inside of the couch from now on....goodbye comfort.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Kiwi's 1st Bath

So this is the look I get after giving Kiwi his first bath. All in all it went pretty well, he screamed a little bit and fought alot but we got it done. My boyfriend didn't quite know what he was doing since it was his first time giving a cat a bath but he wasn't too bad of a helper. He didn't understand that time was of the essence when bathing a cat, you gotta be fast. Kiwi lost alot of hair during his bath, I don't know if it was due to stress or just hair that I haven't brushed out. I was kind of proud of Kiwi today, he did fight pretty good to get out of the tub but never tried biting or clawing at me. He did run straight for his food bowl after I toweled dried him, maybe he thought he deserved a treat, I dunno?

Monday, February 15, 2010 has been a while. Kiwi has been keeping me busy. He has a new bad habit of pushing his ceramic bowl off of the cart he is fed on...therefore breaking 2 of them. I guess I will have to switch to plastic. He also has stolen 2 granola bars from me and made me chase him around the house for my midday snack. I had gotten all of my Valentines Day baking ingredients and seperated into baggies and left them on the table unsupervised. Mistake, I know. I came down to 1 flour bag in the livingroom busted and spred all over the floor. He also decided to take every bag out of the baking pan and place onto the table itself and rip into each one for a taste. This included brown sugar, regular sugar, 2 bags of flour, and chocolate chips. He also decided to knock over a tub with junk I was going to throw out the next day. It had random junk in it including stray fish tank gravel (the blue specks), a remote, a princess crown, etc. The picture is of his mess and his expression as I was cussing him while cleaning up his mess. I hate waking up to him in the mornings....

Monday, December 7, 2009

To Eat or To Poo...That is the Question

The answer to this enduring, burning question is...perhaps both. Mr. Kiwi lives for eating. Before I begin this story, I need to fill you followers in on a little history. Kiwi has ate more than his fair share of food. He eats 2-3 scoops of cat food daily and a wet pack at night. However, if you do not feed him on HIS schedule he will let you know. He reminds you of one of those sirens when danger or a disaster is happening, and just like a disaster alarm it doesn't quit until the disaster is gone...the same with him.
Kiwi's food is your normal, run of the mill star shaped kibbles. Well, he doesn't exactly know how to eat them correctly,or just doesn't care. He eats his kibble bits down to one last star "prong" and leaves it next to bowl.You would think he would do this to only 1 or 2, but no not Kiwi "Mr. All High and Mighty Kitty", does this to ALL of them. Therefore, his food rug ends up constantly being littered with his "nib lets" as we like to call them. As you can imagine, this is quite annoying to deal with. So when you walk into the room and you see about 40-50 nib lets all over the place around his food bowl, and the worst part is that he meows for more!!! Get a life cat.
OK now to tell my story, or really my boyfriend J.C.'s story. One morning J.C. was up getting his coffee ready as usual before school and he decided to tend to the animals. He took our dog out to let her do her business and then feed the cat. He walked upstairs and into the cat's domain. Yes, I said domain, because it is. He has a full bedroom to himself with a dome litter box, scratching post, perch/cave,a padded sleeping tent, and an array of toys. Can we say spoiled?? Well, J.C. said he looked around the bedroom and couldn't find him and proceeded to the drawer where we keep his food and started scooping it out. All of a sudden he said he heard a meow and scrambling below him. Cat litter is flying in places it should never fly, and in the midst of all this....Kiwi. Kiwi comes out making a ruckus and does a u-turn and squats and drops a turd (sorry for the language) off his butt!!! The cat can't even wait to finish his business because he is so obsessed with eating. I sometimes can't believe I am living with this crazy animal. :-/

Monday, November 30, 2009

Chicken Thief

So while I was at work today my boyfriend sent me a picture message on my phone of Kiwi. Apparently the picture above is his idea of a good way to warm up on a rainy, cold, November day. Hey, I guess whatever works! He apparently stayed in this position for 20 minutes and was very content.

But any who, I am going to tell an older story about something that Kiwi has done. Lets see.....I think I am going to let you in on his stealing chicken out of the sink days. When I first got him he caught on really quick about finding good food on counter tops and in sinks. I always have thawed my chicken out in the sink before I cooked it for dinner. Apparently chicken is his favorite. He has stolen chicken numerous times from me, but the funniest would have to be when it was from my mother's sink.

I had to move back in with my mom for a short period of time, and I brought him with me. He had to share his temporary home with her 3 dogs(1st pic). Ruby: the Jack Russell Terrier Woody: The Poodle/Maltese/Chihuahua/Pug mix (we had him blood tested) I just like to call him a Mexican Sewer Rat & Greta: the lab/shepherd mix we rescued as a 2 day old pup. Anyways, back to the story, my mom absolutely couldn't stand Kiwi. He was always causing her problems and being a total brat for her. Well she was fixing dinner and the chicken of course was thawing in the sink. I was in the living room and then all of a sudden I hear cursing and banging, and Kiwi comes dashing around the corner carrying a chicken breast bigger than his head. My mom was chasing and throwing whatever she could find at him. Kiwi spazzed and dropped his kill and the dogs trailing behind all of the commotion, swooped in and grabbed the chicken before she could. The winner: Greta.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Well it is 7:50AM, just woke up to feed Mr. Kiwi, let the dog out to potty, and am about to eat some breakfast and then I am going to get started on making some yummy food! (hopefully) I want to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving and hope it is enjoyed by everyone. When I get home Kiwi is going to get a little Thanksgiving feast himself, hopefully he wont pig out too much.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Kiwi's Story: In The Beginning

This blog is about my cat, Kiwi. In my opinion I am living in a Love/Hate relationship with the worlds worst behaved cat. But first, let me tell you how I came about owning my little devil.

The way I came about finding my precious little cat was while I was eating breakfast in McDonald's (of all places, I know). I had just moved out on my own for the first time and was missing having a furry critter to keep me company and spoil. The table next to me had a newspaper someone had left behind so I picked it up to entertain myself while eating. I was looking in the classified ads and there it was: Cattery Closeout: Bengal Adults and Kittens, Low Prices, Must Go, Getting Out Of The Breeding Business. This was my chance!! I could finally afford a breed of cat that I had always wanted. The drive was to Nashville on a stormy day of course, we ended up at the wrong house, but finally found the right place. He was the last kitten left and I hastily paid the man what he wanted and claimed my pride and joy. He rode home sooo well in my lap, sleeping the whole time. And during those couple of hours home, I thought "He is an angel and I can't wait for the future with this cute little bundle of fur." Boy, was I wrong.

Well, when I got him home....he freaked. He started running around meowing.....and meowing....and meowing. This went on for hours until it got unusually quiet. Then I freaked. I couldn't find him ANYWHERE! I went outside almost in tears looking for him, turning everything upside down. I finally found him curled up behind the refrigerator by the heating coil. PHEW!

The next couple of weeks were hell for us both. He meowed non-stop for I would say at least 2 to 3 weeks straight. I had read that Bengals were vocal, but this vocal?? I called my mom worried that something was wrong with him and what to do (she worked at a vets office) and she said he will get over it. Well eventually he did, thank goodness. So we were past the introductions and being scared and he started settling in. Then came the dilemma of what to name him. A few consideration were Mowgli, Loki, Lestat, Hector, etc. I couldn't decide!! Nothing seemed to match his personality, so in the mean time I nicknamed him "wee kee" Wee-as in little and Kee-as in Kitty. That somehow turned into Kiwi and unfortunately he started answering. So there I am stuck with a fruity name for my male cat. :-/

My first problems with Mr.Kiwi arose when he started peeing outside of his litter box. I finally got the hint that my little man couldn't make it to where his litter box was located in time, so I had to move it into the bedroom and problem fixed. Next came the day he went in for neutering. Somehow his healing process went wrong and the poor guy lost circulation to his scrotum and it started to rot :-/, horrible I know. So now he kinda has a weird looking backside shall I say.

Since then, we have moved 3 times. Settling in well at every place. Between the constant knocking off stuff on top of the refrigerator, stealing chicken out of the sink, peeing on the side of his litter box instead of squatting, leaving niblets of food that he refuses to eat, putting his food in his water, escaping outside, meowing when he doesn't have his way, peeing on no no zones to prove his point, learning tricks to impress, being a mans cat when owned by a woman, losing a kitty sister, having 5 different dog friends, pissing off my mother, pawing my leg when I turn to walk away from him, jumping in the shower and knocking the curtain down, being waay too active waaay to early in the morning, being the clumsiest cat ever, never cleaning himself like a cat should, tearing into food product bags and eating the contents (seriously, cats dont like coconut snowballs cakes), opening doors and cabinets, doing everything possible to make me think....why in the world did I get you?? Somehow, someway though I still love him.....and hate him....and love him....and so on.

So that's Kiwi's kinda short story of existence so far. More stories to come....for all cat lovers and haters.